Minggu, 07 November 2010

Will Always Fly With 15 Angels

5 tahun yang lalu, tepatnya tanggal 6 november 2005, 12 pria yang berasal dari dunia belahan timur mengepakkan sayap mereka, terbang ke dunia hiburan yang keras dan banyak ujian..
12 pria yang mempunyai bakat terpendam...

Selasa, 02 November 2010

Actually, Who is the Older?

malem malem nemu poto kedua suami gue lagi duduk bersama, muncul pikiran sinting buat ngedit tuh poto..
niat cuma ngedit satu poto, jadi keterusan, dan dibuatlah cerita..

daripada bosen, kenapa gak???

ini kejadiannya kemaren saat mereka sama-sama dateng disebuah acara (gue gak tau acara apaan). gak dirumah, gak di depan kamera, mereka tetep aja ya ngerebutin gue hoohhoho

pembaca: =____________________=??

check it out...

kira kira begitulah ceritanya..
kalo liat diatas, menurut kalian siapa yang lebih tua?

NB: ngomong ngomong pakaiannya key manis banget ya? hahaha suami ku yang satu itu emang ckckckck.. umin, semangat! jangan mau kalah ama key (??)

Best Place

saya hadir dengan ff oneshoot saya, ini ff oneshoot perdana saya, maap kalo jadinya gaje =_=
gak pernah buat oneshoot..
dan baru kali ini buat yang genrenya sad..
maap maap aja sebelomnya kalo jadinya malah sama sekali gak sedih *bow 700 derajat*


cast: Hye Gi -->OC
Key --> as his self
Onew --> cuma ada namanya sebenernya, org nya kagak sempet muncul hahhaa

-Hye Gi pov-

Aku terbaring lemas di kasur ku. sudah sekian lama ku tunggu datangnya hari ini. akhirnya datang juga… biar orang berusaha untuk menyembuhkan ku dari penyakit ini, tapi justru inilah yang ku inginkan. Aku senang saat mengetahui bahwa aku gagal ginjal. Itu tanda nya tidak lama lagi aku akan pergi meninggalkan dunia fana ini. semua orang berpikir aku menyedihkan. Mereka salah… inilah keinginan ku… sebentar lagi aku akan bisa bersama mereka lagi…

Rabu, 22 September 2010

Shining Key~

an ordinary girl who love a super idol, is that kind of sin? is that a mistake?

that ordinary girl, don't have anything, she had a ordinary face, she didn't smart, can't take care bout her self, and so sloppy, but she has a deep love for her idol..

her idol, who shining like a star
always give his fan a charm smile and cute laugh
always make everyone glad and happy to be around his
a good idol

now he's birthday
the ordinary girl just want to give his a congrats
but just with this way she can

you're my star who shining in my heart
you're my sun who shining my day
you're my fullmoon who always shining my night

you're shining all day, and i sure, your shine never get dark, i know that..

you're smile always come in my dream,
you're voice always give me a warm,
just imagine your face, i'll smile and good mood all day
now your birthday..
i hope you happy, i never want to see your sad..
but if you want to share your sad, i really open bout that..
don't you hold all your sadness alone

although this is seem so impossible if you want to share with me hahaha

please be happy, be healthy, and be more shine than now

i'll always be your side,
support you even though you didn't know..

i'll always love you,
just give my heart to you even though you didn't accept..

if world have to hate you, don't you dare to think you're alone, you still have me who always at behind you..
just look around, and you'll see my love

i hope you can found your happiness..

happy birthday my heart, key~
happy birthday my ki bummie~~

i never see a guy like you,
just be your self, and i'll be always love you~
thanks a lot for anything, without you know, you have done give a good lesson for me..

and i'll give my heart for a pay ^^ haha

really, i love you, ki bum~~


happy birthday, baby~~ *kisskey* ---> *get killed by other key's wife*


actually it's not a love, but congrats haha.. just because i'm fallen in deep love with him, so, LOVE FOR KEY~~


sebenernya tanggal 23 september, jadi baru besok, tapi entah kenapa pada ngucapin sekarang..
gue sebagai istri tercintanya key *digorok rame2 ama bini2 key laennya* saya mau mengucapkan minal adzi-.... SALAH, maksudnya SAENGIL CHUKHAE HIMNIDA, MY LOVELY KEY~~~

i wish you got what you want, just that way to make you happy, right? if you're happy, so me too ^^
just give me your smile, just give your laugh, just give me your happiness, although i just can see that from my keykuro (re: laptop) screen..

your happiness is my happiness, your sadness is my sadness, so don't down to sad, i can't bear to saw that, okey?

just showing your cute smile to us, shawol ^^
shawol always in your side, honey~~
we're always support you!

don't get sick, don't get down, please be healthy always~~
take care bout your food and drink, don't take much schedule, don't get so tired.. (...suddenly i fell like i'm his mom =__=)

one more time, SAENGIL CHUKHAE, KEY~~

Selasa, 21 September 2010


hahahaha cupcupkiss sebagai pengenalaann...

hai, gue anggi disini, ato biada di panggil rachan, ato gi hae, ato anggong =____=
ini adalah blog gue yang kedua, setelah cukup lama gue berkeliaran di dunia blogger, blog gue yang satu nya liat aja disini yah, yuk mampir

ini gue khusus buat untuk... untuk apa ya??


ini sengaja gue bikin buat post2 in postan gue yang berjenis FanFiction..

walo gue gak terlalu sering buat FF =__=

di sini juga gue bakalan ngebahas tentang dunia KPOP, terutama kedua suami gue tercinta, SUNGMINKEY *cupcupkissuminkey*


well, happy reading all..
i hope ypu can enjoy while you read my FF...